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Mobi Press

Motorola DROID XYBOARD 10.1 / 8.2 (Verizon) Android tablet review

Posted by Admin Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The Motorola DROID XYBOARD 10.1 and 8.2 tablets for Verizon Wireless take over where Motorola's original XOOM tablet left off. They both offer amazing 4G LTE data speeds, large displays, and a stealth black finish that has been updated to feel better in the hand.
It's regrettable that they also run Android 3.x Honeycomb, like the original XOOM tablet that they replace.

Still, as far as Android tablets go, these two devices are quite capable and aren't hard on the eyes. They are a bit hard on the wallet, though, with on-contract pricing starting at $429.99 for the 8.2 and $529.99 for the 10.1 - both with 16GB of storage.
Keep reading to learn what they do well, and what they don't do all that well. You can see both models at work in the two videos found after the Table of Contents, below.

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