Multi-tasking has been available to Android users for the longest time. That doesn't mean it has evolved into a perfect feature, though. In fact, I have never been satisfied with the way you're supposed to switch between apps -- it's clunky. With Multi-Tasking Pro, it's come one step closer to an ideal experience.
The app is certainly a much-needed improvement over the platform's default task switcher. For one, there's a good amount of customizations, allowing you to personalize the task-switching experience to suit the way you work. You can choose the display type (grid or list), select apps to show (open, recent or services) and even exclude apps individually from the task switcher (in case an app is supposed to permanently run in the background, for instance).
Multi-Tasking Pro can be launched by either a long press of the Search key or a quick press of the Home button. This will bring up an overlay window showing the apps. From there, you simply tap on the icon you want to put in the foreground, each one of which comes with an X graphic in the corner which you can use to force it shut.
The interface is nice, too, with a cute rotating animation that shows when a new app takes over the screen. Additionally, you can check the status of each app right on the task switcher -- very useful when there are things running in the phone you just aren't sure about (like background services or system apps).
Overall, Multi-Tasking Pro is a valuable replacement to Android's default task-switching system and is a good purchase for $2.99.