The Ascend D Quad XL is powered by a proprietary processor from Huawei, the K3V2, which is a 1.5GHz quad-core processor with a crazy 16-core GPU. According to the Basemark ES benchmark test, this is the new king of the hill, barely topping the performance of the Samsung Galaxy Note, which is powered by a dual-core Exynos overclocked to around 2GHz, and well above the quad-core Tegra 3 of the Asus Transformer Prime.
As you might expect, the Ascend D Quad XL really flew on the Nenamark2 3D OpenGL graphics benchmark, beating out the Snapdragon S4 by almost 7 frames per second.
The Ascend D Quad XL is expected in June with a 4.5" 720p IPS+ display, 2500 mAh battery and Android 4.0. Even better, Huawei has said that the phone will be priced 20-50% lower than its competitors, which could mean anywhere from $150 to $240 on contract. Not too bad.