Mobi Press

Mobi Press

Themes: Metro Minimal available at Ovi Store

Posted by Admin Sunday, August 28, 2011

We rarely cover themes here but looking around the N8 related groups, it’s something N8 (and Symbian users) in general still really like.
Yesterday, a symbian themer named Glenn emailed to tell us about his themes on Ovi Store. We’d like to start show casing some themes and we’ll begin with his work called Metro Minimal. It’s a simple, clean minimalistic theme, and very helpful on battery life for AMOLED screens.

This WP inspired theme looks great, very consistent theme, eye catching icons and no odd contrasts that makes lettering hard to see in places.
Free version
Premium Version
If you’re a theme maker, don’t hesitate to recommend your themes to us. Or if you’re just a regular user and have found a cool theme you’d like to tell us about, we’d love to share it with our readers too.

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